13. Amazon is spending a lot of money on this show, which means a lot of money pumped into the local economy of wherever Amazon films
The exact figures are hard to nail down, but Game of Thrones has been an undeniable boon for any country where it’s set up shop. Belfast, Northern Ireland, where the show does the bulk of its shooting, has reaped the most benefits, in much the same way New Zealand did while Peter Jackson filmed his movie trilogies there.
Movies and TV shows employ hundreds, if not thousands, of people. From drivers to caterers to carpenters and, of course, actors, entertainment is big business. With Amazon already greenlighting the first two seasons of its Lord of the Rings show (with a further three seasons rumored), the e-commerce can pump tons of money into wherever it decides to shoot. And even after it’s left, the local economy can benefit for years afterwards. Hell, Dubrovnik’s tourism industry is basically based on Game of Thrones these days.
But where will Amazon film the show? New Zealand is a likely choice, especially if Amazon wants familiar locales, and super-especially if Peter Jackson ends up getting involved in the production. But wherever it goes, the locals will reap the rewards.