Avengers: Infinity War is now in the theaters, but when can fans of the latest Marvel movie be able to watch from the comfort of their own home on Amazon Digital Video?
There’s a big movie now playing at the movie theaters. In case you haven’t seen the countless commercials promoting the release and didn’t know, Avengers: Infinity War is now in the theaters. Some people have already been privy to some advanced screenings to review the movie. The early reviews are very positive, suggesting this could be a massive success at the box office.
I usually don’t get to the movie theater that often anymore. It’s just so nice to be able to kick it at home where I don’t have to pay for a ticket and risk sitting next to someone who hogs the armrest or sit near people who are on their phone or talking the whole time.
I do make it out for special occasions like Black Panther, The Last Jedi and any Christopher Nolan movie, but for the most part, I like to watch movies at home. This way, I can pause the movie if necessary and I can provide my food and drink without taking out a small load.
So if you’re like me and don’t think you’ll make it out to the theater for Infinity War and are waiting until you can watch it on Amazon Digital, you’re in luck, because I can provide a projected date for that.

When will Avengers: Infinity War be on Amazon Video?
If you miss out on seeing the movie in the theater, or even if you do and just want to see it again as soon as possible, here’s when you can expect to see it on Amazon Digital Video.
The digital release comes out about a week before it’ll be for sale on DVD/Blu-ray. Typically, it takes about three months, depending on the theatrical run, before it’ll be available for purchase.
That puts the anticipated release date for Infinity War at the end of July or into August for a safe projection. It’ll make for a nice watch later this summer when you’re on vacation or lying around by the pool.
We should get official confirmation about the digital video release date in the next month, if not sooner, but in the meantime, fans can expect to see the latest Avengers movie available to buy later this summer.