8. Vince has a meal with Karolina
- Episode 5, “Sam”
After Vince gave the horrible order to decapitate one of Eddie’s toes, he spoke to his girlfriend Karolina about Mukharjee. Vince just impaired Eddie’s ability to walk for the rest of his life, yet Vince can only think about his own ego in opposition to Mukharjee. Vince joked about Mukharjee’s rags to riches story with Karolina and spoke about his own story where he worked hard to save money and build his successful establishment.
Mukharjee ticked off Vince with the tip. Vince could not get over this man’s snobby attitude and condescendance upon Vince’s establishment, which was clearly one of the best ones in the city. Next, Karolina implied that Mukharjee had cheated in order to conduct the long con that Marius and his team elaborately put together.
Here, Cranston nailed Vince’s character to perfection to capture his insecurity with Mukharjee. Similarly, Walter White carried insecurities within himself throughout the duration of Breaking Bad. He felt a need to establish himself as a player, so he ordered Jesse to fix a meth deal gone bad in the magnificent “Peek-a-boo” episode while Walter struggled to gain credibility with his peers as a high school chemistry teacher.