8. Billy schools the rookie
Episode 5, “Cover Your A**”
At the deposition inside the headquarters of Cooperman McBride, Billy gave the young and ambitious lawyer Lucy Kittridge a difficult time from the start of the deposition. Lucy made a few rookie errors that Billy punished relentlessly at every opportunity. At every turn, poor Lucy could barely say a sentence before Billy objected to some aspect of her statement. Billy’s composure and attacks set the stage for his team to relax and gain their confidence.
Patty exuded her confidence when Lucy mocked the no name lawyer as her rapport with Billy worked to throw Lucy off her game. Their constant badgering forced Callie Senate and Leonard Letts to commandeer control of the deposition from the young upstart and favorite of Donald Cooperman. Unfortunately, Callie picked Ned apart, so Billy had to clean up Ned’s mess after the shocking revenge porn reveal in the deposition.
Here, Thornton exhibited the killer instinct of a lawyer who sought to destroy the young lawyer across the table. He persisted asking annoying questions that would even irk the viewer since he broke the flow of the show during this intense, yet comedic deposition.