15 best Billy Bob Thornton moments from Amazon’s Goliath

Photo Credit: Colleen Hayes/Amazon Prime Video
Photo Credit: Colleen Hayes/Amazon Prime Video
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Photo Credit: Colleen Hayes/Amazon Prime Video
Photo Credit: Colleen Hayes/Amazon Prime Video

2. Billy questions Brittany

Episode 8, “Citizens United”

After Donald Cooperman collapsed in the midst of Billy’ questioning, Callie Senate called Brittany to the stand as a witness who could destroy all of Billy’s credibility for the case in the eyes of the jury. In a tough situation, Billy needed to interrogate Brittany as ferociously as he interrogated other witnesses. Therefore, Billy basically embarrassed Brittany as he made it seem that she lied on the stand.

Additionally, Billy painted a portrait that showed that Brittany only testified against Billy in order to receive legal help from the people at Cooperman McBride. Billy dismantled Brittany, who clearly felt ashamed for her betrayal to Billy’s loyalty. Unfortunately, after this line of questioning, Callie poured on Brittany’s embarrassment as Callie highlighted Brittany’s prostitution as a last-ditch effort to persuade the jury of Billy’s lack of credibility.

In this scene, Thornton again put on a tough guy portrayal to overcome the friendship between Billy and Brittany. Thornton transformed into a monster who preyed on a poor young girl who has lived a difficult life.