3. Trudy Lives
Episode 10, “Fallout”
When viewers last saw Juliana in Season 2, they witnessed an emotional reunion for the sisters. After Juliana killed two top Resistance operatives in New York, she severed all of her relations to anyone. Both the Reich and Kempeitai tagged her as an enemy of the state while the Resistance knew about her betrayals to the cause. Juliana had no connection to any family while Ed and Frank had no means to contact her.
As Abendsen explained the extraordinary journey of Juliana, she cried at her future of loneliness. However, Abendsen revealed the Trudy was alive and well on the docks just outside the warehouse where Juliana stood. Not much else occurred after the two sisters reunited in one of the brighter moments for the show.
Trudy signified hope for the entire show. Evil and warfare defined this twisted world as individuals such as Heinrich Himmler ended in a powerful position. Even characters like Kido encountered their own tragedy as Kido lost his entire life in San Francisco in the bombing. The bad guys always won in this world; however, Trudy’s appearance showed that the good guys could succeed in this dark world and gave The Man in the High Castle Season 2 a bit more mystery heading into the next season.