7 Reasons Amazon’s Transparent is the best comedy on TV

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Creator/Director Jill Soloway brings consistency to chaos.

These days, it’s rare that one person, let alone the person with the creative vision, gets to direct all the episodes of a series, or even a season of the series.

Transparent is one of the exceptions.

Although Creator Jill Soloway does not direct every episode, she directed eight of the first 11 episodes. Nisha Ganatra directed three episodes, and Silas Howard also directed an episode.

Because Soloway is the brains behind the operation, so to speak, she brings a consistency to the series that the show needs, especially with the intricate plot and so much going on with our main characters. And, trust me, it’s A LOT!

If there was a new director every episode or every few episodes, I don’t think these troubled characters and their performances would feel as real, steady, or generally as good as they are with Soloway at the helm.

Of course, I don’t want to make it seem like the characters are crazy. There might be a little insanity in each performance. And, that’s for the better, honestly. Each character’s personality quirks and flaws make the series so interesting and so good.

On top of that, Soloway is simply one of the best in the game right now. The story and acting performances are as good as it gets. I can’t wait to see what direction Soloway is able to steer the story in Season 2.

Next: The Cast