The Man in the High Castle: 20 things you need to know about the Amazon Original Series
By Bryce Olin
9. Amazon tested the series with a Preview Weekend
For the first time, Amazon tried a new strategy called in “Preview Weekend,” which allowed the public to watch the first two episodes of the series for free on Amazon Video.
The Preview Weekend took place the second-to-last weekend in October, Oct. 23-25.
Although Amazon didn’t release how well the series did over the Preview Weekend, I was able to catch both episodes of the show, and I’m a huge fan of Amazon and other streaming services releasing episodes early to try to drum up some interest in the show and some media buzz.
Amazon already releases all of its pilots to the general public, but even one more look at the series would have been enough to sway me into buying an Amazon Prime subscription, if I didn’t have one already.
Here’s to hoping Amazon will continue to do this with its other new shows!
Next: Two Great Episodes!